A New Chapter

It was a very emotional day. It’s like leaving something precious that will never ever come back. Some of friends say that it just nothing, but to leave Bangi and move in to Wangsa Maju to start my new life is a big deal. I’ve been staying in Bangi for about 5 years and living with brother’s family for about a year and half was very great. That room that I’ve been staying had seen a lot of me. It’s the place that I working my ass off finishing my thesis, struggling for my final exam, and when I’m jobless after my graduation. It’s also a place that seen me fall in love with someone and seen me heartbroken when the relationship wasn’t end up like in the fairy tale.  All the memories came into my mind, even some are bad memories that I will never forget. But that’s life. Something we had to leave behind to achieve something bigger. I will never regret leaving that room, the room that seen me grown up to be a better person……